Current Affairs Questions and Answers -
Government jobs are most sought-after career General awareness options by youngsters and experienced alike. current gk Unlike past, upse currrent gk government jobs are much more in demand due to reasons such as high entry-level salaries, more professional and target oriented attitude of employees
Coming to your question, the Indian current gk government or a one month current gk state government in India classifies the public upse current gk employees as per Group ranking. These are Group A (acting/Gazetted), Group-B (Gazetted/ Non-Gazetted), Group-C and Group-D
Note: The Indian state is like planning to meet Group-D in Group-C.
Group-A or class I is ranked today current gk highest in terms of appointment & authority and Group-D or Class-IV is considered lowest. However, one should note that when it comes to pay band, it can vary widely current affaries depending on the type of upse current gk administration/ government a candidate is selected
Here is the grade General awarienss classification in central government jobs in terms of department and grade pay with some examples
Group-A or Class I (Gazetted)
These are the officials who are appointed at the highest current gk or managerial class across government organisations. The President of India is considered appointing authority for the Group-A officers
Some examples are Commissioned Officers upse current gk from the IAF (Indian Armed Forces), AIS (All India Services) today current gk Bureaucrats, Scientists in DRDO, ISRO, CSIR, BARC and Central India Civil Services (IAS, IPS, IFS, IRS, IRTS)
The Scale of Pay for Group-A officers can range anywhere current gk between INR 12000 to INR 250000, depending on the administration. today current gk Similarly, a post in the Apex scale can fetch scale pay of INR 80000- fixed
Group-B or Class II (Gazetted)
Group-B gazetted officers have similar authority current gk like Group-A officers. While great are selected care UPSC exams, many of stuff in this group are through promotion. Department Heads of any government organisation today current gk generally appoints these officers
Some examples are JEOs upse current gk (Junior Commissioner Officers) across Indian Armed Forces and Officers in the SCSs (State Civil Services).
The salary scale can change somewhere from INR 5000 to INR 40000 depend on the Pay Band.
Group-B or Class II (Non-Gazetted)
The major difference between Group-B Gazetted and Non-Gazetted officers is that those falling in the latter category do not hold one month current gk significant administrative role. They cannot personally authorize official stamp current gk issuance on government’s behalf. Employees working with PSUs and Nationalized Banks are also under the non-gazetted category
Some Examples are office current gk supervisors, office executives, State Inspectors, Central Police officers etc.
The pay scale can change somewhere from INR 5000 to INR 40000 or much depend on the Pay Band.
Group C or Class III or Group C
These are the Public Servants posted upse current gk in various non-supervisory roles. The position does not hold any critical one month current gk `` administrative position. However, they are eligible for promotion to higher levels
upse current gk Tax Assistants, Typists, Telephone Operators, one month current gk Naiks or individuals holding similar positions in Armed Forces.
The pay scale for Group C officers can range from INR 2800 to INR 20000 depending on Pay Band
Coming to your question, the Indian current gk government or a one month current gk state government in India classifies the public upse current gk employees as per Group ranking. These are Group A (acting/Gazetted), Group-B (Gazetted/ Non-Gazetted), Group-C and Group-D
Note: The Indian state is like planning to meet Group-D in Group-C.
Group-A or class I is ranked today current gk highest in terms of appointment & authority and Group-D or Class-IV is considered lowest. However, one should note that when it comes to pay band, it can vary widely current affaries depending on the type of upse current gk administration/ government a candidate is selected
Here is the grade General awarienss classification in central government jobs in terms of department and grade pay with some examples
Group-A or Class I (Gazetted)
These are the officials who are appointed at the highest current gk or managerial class across government organisations. The President of India is considered appointing authority for the Group-A officers
Some examples are Commissioned Officers upse current gk from the IAF (Indian Armed Forces), AIS (All India Services) today current gk Bureaucrats, Scientists in DRDO, ISRO, CSIR, BARC and Central India Civil Services (IAS, IPS, IFS, IRS, IRTS)
The Scale of Pay for Group-A officers can range anywhere current gk between INR 12000 to INR 250000, depending on the administration. today current gk Similarly, a post in the Apex scale can fetch scale pay of INR 80000- fixed
Group-B or Class II (Gazetted)
Group-B gazetted officers have similar authority current gk like Group-A officers. While great are selected care UPSC exams, many of stuff in this group are through promotion. Department Heads of any government organisation today current gk generally appoints these officers
Some examples are JEOs upse current gk (Junior Commissioner Officers) across Indian Armed Forces and Officers in the SCSs (State Civil Services).
The salary scale can change somewhere from INR 5000 to INR 40000 depend on the Pay Band.
Group-B or Class II (Non-Gazetted)
The major difference between Group-B Gazetted and Non-Gazetted officers is that those falling in the latter category do not hold one month current gk significant administrative role. They cannot personally authorize official stamp current gk issuance on government’s behalf. Employees working with PSUs and Nationalized Banks are also under the non-gazetted category
Some Examples are office current gk supervisors, office executives, State Inspectors, Central Police officers etc.
The pay scale can change somewhere from INR 5000 to INR 40000 or much depend on the Pay Band.
Group C or Class III or Group C
These are the Public Servants posted upse current gk in various non-supervisory roles. The position does not hold any critical one month current gk `` administrative position. However, they are eligible for promotion to higher levels
upse current gk Tax Assistants, Typists, Telephone Operators, one month current gk Naiks or individuals holding similar positions in Armed Forces.
The pay scale for Group C officers can range from INR 2800 to INR 20000 depending on Pay Band
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