Which is the best goverment job in India?

Most of us don't have a choice as we belong General Awareness   to a Nation with highly Unemployed Youth, but I think there Current affairs should be a certain criteria in defining a job as the Best fit for an individual Gkalert.in

A. Type of work: Is the work  current gk suited to your interests and something  today current gk that you always wanted in life (providing you with self satisfaction at the end of the day).
Does it have the excitement or the upse current gk  uniqueness in it that you expected ? If you wanted a Laid back job, does it offer you  today current gk enough free time ?
If you like to work under pressure, do you often get that one month current gk from your job ? Does your job create a large scale impact in the company’s or society’s interest that you wanted it to create  Gkalert.in 

There are bunch of other dimensions associated with this, and this should be the most important criteria for a person, as you will be spending 9–10 hours daily currrent gk  in some place . If you are not getting what you expected out of it, it will just get more and more Frustrating  upse current gk  for you in the long term  Gkalert.in

Even if you become  current gk an IAS officer but don't like the administrative style of work, then what is the point ? Do you  today current gk want to live your entire life just to have a Tag of an IAS officer to boost your and your family’s ego in the society ? Is that all you wanted ? First of all, it will be almost impossible for you to Clear the exam if himself have that good sense set, and even if you clear it somehow, you will not only be Frustrated with yourself in the long term, but will also prove to be upse current gk  a Burden on the Nation.

B. Pay and Perks: This is also a very important criteria General Awareness and I by no means Underrate this. You should be getting pay, privileges and perks that one current affaris  would expect to get considering their contribution  upse current gk in the company or the organization that they are a part of. I have realized Undervaluing yourself is foolishness and your Bosses in the company will just take advantage of one month current gk  that Fact and will start misusing your carefree/innocent nature and your talent. If you feel that your work is not giving you the remuneration you expected, then do Rethink current gk  before joining or continuing it, as everyone has certain Responsibilities to Fulfill in their Personal Gkalert.in

C. Respect and Rights at workplace: Wherever  current gk you are working or whatever kind of work your are doing, everyone deserves Respect and enjoy a certain set of rights which are unconditional. If one is working in an uncomfortable atmosphere with one month current gk  disrespectful employers around you, it is more of a burden to get up and go to work everday. If the negatory nature of your envelopment continue, you will eventuality start hating  what you liked before.
So make sure that no one Dare to fuss with you at your workplace and self have current gk, Gkalert.in

There might be more criteria, but these are the ones that are most important to me Gkalert.in


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